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Friday, September 8, 2017


Most students look to Level II Fieldwork as the component of the OTA Program where they will develop in the most significant way – clinically. In many ways, this is true. The varied settings, clients, professionals encountered and experience lends itself to hands-on practice leading to skill development and refinement.

There are many other aspects the fieldwork experience which may be a bit more subtle to note but important to OT service provision. We will address a variety of these areas over the next several months.

Responding to the questions posted will facilitate deeper reflection upon the complex environments Occupational Therapy Assistants work in. Some topics may be challenging to respond to based solely on experiences in the practice setting you are in. 

You may find it necessary to speak to your clinical supervisor or other OT staff to obtain information about some areas you may not observe in your site. This interaction is important as it will broaden staff awareness of the layers of clinical practice students should be exposed to. 


Describe the most surprising aspect of the clinic you are working in. It might be the pace of the schedule, the variety of complex cases seen by OT, or the need to have a Plan B, C, D AND E in place before walking into a treatment session.

Describe how you have had to adapt to this aspect of the setting. For example, you may have to prepare treatment plans the night before, develop organizational strategies, identify other resources within the setting to support what you are doing with a client.

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